Ayibonte Water Project

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Fresh running water was provided for the Maranatha power Academy (Paula Marshall School) one of the church’s basic schools in Ayibontey in the eastern region.

A pump connected into a new reservoir to provide constant running water for the pupil and the surrounding environs was donated by to families Charles and Dorothy Pennington& Ralph and Gwen Jones. The cost of this project was estimated at 7500 cedis

Maranatha Power Ministries International LOVING GOD…. LOVING PEOPLE… LOVING MISSIONS

In the same vain Bupea a village in the Volta Region of Ghana was also blessed with clear drinking water this benevolent act which cost 7500 cedis was by the from Everyday ministries, Tulsa lead by Mr. Dennis Lopez.

Pictures of Ayibonte Water project


Nungua Addogonno, Behind New Nungua Polyclinic P.O.BOX TS 132, Teshie, Accra, Ghana. Email: [email protected] Tel: (+ 233) 24 465 6588, 55 594 0103

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