Feeding the Needy

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Statistics from UNICEF states that over 3 million children go to bed hungry and a child under the age of 5 years dies every 3 second.

MPMI has a passion for children and tries to make a difference by helping to feed needy and hungry children in some of our local communities. Bags of rice and other foods items are volunteered by church members, missionaries and individuals. Collected items are used in cooking for the needy, the aged and handicapped in the society.

The church also annually organizes Christmas party for children, aged and other vulnerable people in deprived communities. In 2011, 6000 children and aged have been fed in Mame Dede, Kraboakese and Akateng all in the Earstern region and Teshie orphanage and Addogun all in the Greater Accra region. This was done through MPMI feeding programmes and the church hopes to increase this number to 10000 this year (2015).


Nungua Addogonno, Behind New Nungua Polyclinic P.O.BOX TS 132, Teshie, Accra, Ghana. Email: [email protected] Tel: (+ 233) 24 465 6588, 55 594 0103

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