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Techiman showed appreciation for commissioned a water well

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The Municipal Chief Executive, the chiefs and elders of the town as well as the people of Techiman showed appreciation of this gesture and thanked Bishop Noble Francis Afotey Odai and his USA partner for the donation.

In her speech, the President and Founder of Everyday Ministries Inc. said giving the people of Techiman water is like giving them Jesus.

When our media team interviewed some people, the smiles alone on their faces showed how happy they were to have this fresh water in their community. In conclusion, the missionaries from USA told the people gathered that water is for all but they should also thirst for the Word of God.



Nungua Addogonno, Behind New Nungua Polyclinic P.O.BOX TS 132, Teshie, Accra, Ghana. Email: [email protected] Tel: (+ 233) 24 465 6588, 55 594 0103

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