Its time the mighty God touches heart of hardened individual and save lives of ones of those the devil has taken control of.
Its time the mighty God touches heart of hardened individual and save lives of ones of those the devil has taken control of.
A woman who was suffering so much under the bondage of sicknesses was healed after visiting the Kumasi church in the Ashanti region of Ghana during one of the Thursday services. She said, she thought she was going to die because of the things she was suffering and by the dreams she kept having daily.
A pastor gave a testimony of how he was healed from piles disease that had affected him for the past eight years after giving his first fruits offering. The condition caused him to discharge a lot of blood anytime he visited the toilet, to the point where he had to use one full role of toilet paper on each visit to the loo.
A woman at the Kumasi church in the Ashanti region of Ghana gave a testimony of having financial breakthroughs after giving her first fruit offering. She was facing financial difficulties and believed God for a breakthrough, Bishop preached on first fruits and the blessings of it and she decided that she was still going to give her first fruit offering even though she did not have much.
The town of Ayibontey us a small community which has no toilet facility in the whole community. Maranatha Power Ministries International has a school situated in the area and made the decision to build a toilet facility not just for the school children, but the community at large. The toilet project which was sponsored by Dr. Paula Marshall was opened by Bishop Francis Afotey Odai on 17th March, 2017. This is an eight room toilet facility built close to the school premises for the school and community