Financial Breakthrough After First Fruits Offering

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A woman at the Kumasi church in the Ashanti region of Ghana gave a testimony of having financial breakthroughs after giving her first fruit offering. She was facing financial difficulties and believed God for a breakthrough, Bishop preached on first fruits and the blessings of it and she decided that she was still going to give her first fruit offering even though she did not have much.

Four days after giving her first offering, she had a breakthrough of GHC20,000 from her brother which she was not expecting. She recounted that many people started blessing her with money that she was not expecting.


Nungua Addogonno, Behind New Nungua Polyclinic P.O.BOX TS 132, Teshie, Accra, Ghana. Email: [email protected] Tel: (+ 233) 24 465 6588, 55 594 0103

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