Changing Your World Crusades

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To the glory of God, the "Changing Your World Conference" train moved on the 3rd November and our first first stop was Kumasi in the Ashanti region og Ghana. On the 4th - 5th November, we were in Kumasi for the conference, then we moved to Obuasi also in the Ashanti region from the 16th - 17th November.

After this, we went to the Brong Ahafo region where we visited two towns, Brekum on he 3rd - 5th December and ended 2016 with the conference in Techiman.

All these conferences were very successful despite the many attacks we had in our traveling and during the program. Our crusade truck got spoilt many times on the road to the crusade at Techiman and we are still believing God for the financial resources to be able to buy a new truck for our future crusades. Despite the truck failure, we still persisted and in March 4th - 6th, we had another conference at Takwa in the Western region and then a final one at Dunkwa-on-Offin in the Central region on 1st - 3rd April, 2017.

Thousands of souls were won for the Lord during the conferences and there were many testimonies and healing recorded in the crusades. We were able to plant churches in Kumasi, Brekum and Techiman. We also adopted two churches, Amazing Love Ministries at Takwa and Riverhouse Family Chapel at Dunkwa-on-Offin to be part of the Maranatha family during the conferences there. The gospel of Christ is moving powerfully in the hearts of men and women in the villages and towns of Africa.

We also held leadership and financial training as part of the conferences to empower the people to be good leaders and to be financially prosperous to be able to support the kingdom business wherever they find themselves. We also gave out thousands of mosquito nets and clothes to children, pregnant women, nursing mothers and others as part of the conferences in the various towns and their environs.


Nungua Addogonno, Behind New Nungua Polyclinic P.O.BOX TS 132, Teshie, Accra, Ghana. Email: [email protected] Tel: (+ 233) 24 465 6588, 55 594 0103

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